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Chiropractic medicine evaluates the body biomechanically to determine if and where there may be restrictions in the tissues (muscles, tendons & ligaments) and joints that may cause pain and dysfunction. The dysfunction may lead to or be accompanied by joint and skeletal degeneration. Where restrictions in the body are, there will also be an attempt to balance the body out by compensation. Occasionally these compensations are non painful but eventually asymmetry can lead to poor body mechanics and uneven forces on the tissues, joints and skeletal structure which can lead to degeneration and pain. We administer several styles of joint and soft tissue manipulation based on the condition and patient preference.
Acupuncture/Dry Needling
Whether you have heard it called acupuncture or dry needling, the administration of the therapy is the same. Both methods of needle insertion can treat pain and muscle dysfunctions. They both use thin, sterile, single-use filiform (solid) needles to treat specific points of the body. Whether the points are associated with the energetic meridians of the body or just a specific area of local pain is the difference between "dry needling" and "acupuncture". Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a whole system of medicine that uses acupuncture to treat not only physical conditions but also mental and emotional as well. TCM uses different diagnostic information to determine the treatment prescription. The points selected in acupuncture treatments at times may seem unconnected or far away from the site of complaint but are linked through the energy of the meridian system of the body. In our office we combine our knowledge of TCM and western medicine to get you the best results for your condition. Occasionally, we may even utilize TCM soft tissue techniques such as Cupping, Tui Na or Gua Sha.
Massage Therapy
Massage therapy offered at Longevity Health & Fitness can be as relaxing as it is restorative. Blending many techniques including traditional Swedish therapeutic massage, fascial release techniques, trigger point, deep tissue, clinical manual therapy, Tui Na, instrument assisted style massage/manual soft tissue therapy and cupping we have the resources to help your body recover and have you feeling and performing your best. Whether you are just stressed from the day-to-day, dealing with a pain or ache you can't shake, recovering from injury/competition or trying to prepare for a new season of activity Longevity Health & Fitness is here for you.
Physical Rehabilitation
When dealing with musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries it is important to recognize that just eliminating the restrictions is not where the treatment ends. True and complete treatment of MSK conditions needs to include exercises as well. Exercises may be for strengthening and stabilizing (like weight training) or for tissue extensibility and mobility (like stretches). Exercises are also a great way to reduce the recurrence of injury and to have a strategy for home maintenance should the problem happen again. Exercises prescribed and facilitated at our office and for home are used to help prevent and recover from injury or surgery.
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Located at: 1150 N. 5th Ave., Suite B2, St. Charles
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Need Help? 331-248-0695